5 Ways to Find Your First Job Before or After Graduation

5 Ways to Find Your First Job Before or After Graduation

Some days ago, I talked with a girl, a final-year student from the University of Dar es Salaam. She was curious to know how she could find a job after graduation. She asked me-

How did you cope with the situation after graduation? Did you immediately find your dream job? What’s your story? She wanted to know my journey.

This took me back to the last quarter of 2020 when I was done with my studies and waiting for graduation. I planned to look for an internship and, see if I was lucky to secure my first job.

Until graduation time, I didn’t have any. I was tired of being idle at home with no direction or help.

I said to her, don’t be a graduate who only sends CVs and resumes and waits to be interviewed, to get employed. Be a modern graduate by

Improving your skills.

Don’t limit yourself to permanent employment that aligns with your degree; be flexible to adopt various kinds of jobs that are available depending on your other skills. Henry Bukuru, the founder of Bukuru Tech, used his skills to design websites for different companies and NGOs. He wasn’t employed but used his skills to find a job for himself before and after graduation.

 Spending Time Wisely.

After sending applications, don’t spend the entire time waiting to be called for an interview. Instead of watching TV, and movies, and scrolling aimlessly on different social media platforms. Consider attending different graduate training courses where you can learn and get different ideas on how to navigate street life.

Learning Online Digital Marketing Skills.

Digital marketing jobs are the top 10 most demanded skills worldwide. Use that time to learn a skill from YouTube, Coursera, or Google Digital Skills and work as a freelancer as you wait to secure your dream job. David Mollel took a social media management course on Coursera after graduating in 2021. His first role has been working as a social media manager with different NGOs and companies.

 Become an affiliate marketer.

Since you don’t have the capital to start your own business, you may become an affiliate marketer. Where you will be helping businesses reach their targeted clients and get paid for a commission.

How will you get clients?

Leverage the power of social media platforms such as WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, where you can connect to people directly, market a product, and find clients.

Build a personal brand.

As a result of building my brand on LinkedIn, I was offered the opportunity to work as a freelancer at Tanzlite Digital. You have a chance to build a brand for yourself by sharing your skills with the world and connecting with different professionals in and outside your career. I would recommend starting with LinkedIn and expanding to other platforms.

Lastly, I told her to open her mind, be ready to adapt to the different opportunities available, and not limit herself to employment. There are options for finding your first role, which may not necessarily be your professional role.

The Role of Social Media in Building a Successful Personal Brand

The Role of Social Media in Building a Successful Personal Brand

Are you a web designer and want to be the person people think of when they need a website? Or an Author? Do you provide sound advice on freelancing?

How can you make yourself known for what you’re good at and secure a corner of the digital economy?

The answer is building a personal brand on social media.

In a digital world where social media is part of our lives, successful personal branding is a result of how you present yourself to others, showcasing your skills, expertise, uniqueness, and knowledge in certain areas.

Let’s see the five roles played by social media in successfully building your personal brand.

  1. Amplifying visibility and reach

Social media gives you an audience of 4.9 billion people ready to see what you have. That’s what made it easy for Killy Paul to be seen by Indians and get recognized for his talent. Think about Shilole, who owns Shishi food. Social media has broken the gap in how and where people can see your skills, talents, and expertise.

  1. Content Creation and Curation

Social media gives you the power to create content and present it to your targeted audience. Each social media platform may have preferred content formats, and that requires you to understand which types of content formats work best on each platform.

  1. Sharing Authenticity and Personal Storytelling

We have a lot of experiences in our daily lives that are good to share with others to relate to and learn from each other. Social media allows people to witness your progress from one step to another, thereby connecting and building trust with your audience. Think of Millard Ayo’s story on successful personal branding in the media industry.

  1. Unlock Networking and Connection Opportunities.

Looking to have a chat with like-minded people like your fellow engineers, doctors, or artists? Social media allows you to connect and interact with these people more easily than ever before. This opens a door to different opportunities, as Getrude Mligo proves on Instagram.

  1. Simplifies Engagement and Content Analytics.

How would you feel to have an engagement with a person you admire or look up to as a role model through social media? It makes you feel valued and connected, and it may be the start of building a meaningful relationship. These will help you gain a better understanding of your audience and make some informed decisions while making a content strategy that will help you build a successful personal brand.


You have probably seen Joel Nanauka on Instagram, Edwin Francis Memirieki on LinkedIn, and Mafole Baraka on Twitter, each with a successful personal brand on different social media platforms.

It’s the same way you should successfully build your personal brand through your uniqueness, values, and specialty that can’t be found in someone else. That makes you memorable and recognizable for who you are. Don’t be left behind; you have everything it takes to build your own.

How Business Registration is Made Simple in Tanzania?

How Business Registration is Made Simple in Tanzania?

Are you a business owner or intending to start one in Tanzania? Know these digital tools that helps in complying your business legally.

And you don’t have to worry about hiring an experienced expert to undertake your business legal compliances such as business registration, applying for a license and payment of taxes.

You can do it yourself easily using your fingers just by clicking and filling legal business forms while your at home or own office. Every serious  business will not take this for granted as it reduces cost of operation.

Here are top 3 digital tools  to undertake for your smooth business operations


How to register your Business?  

Registering a business in Tanzania is made easy under BRELA ORS system where you can access free search for a registered business name or Incorporation, Access industrial Journals or ask for a technical support. 

To register a new business name, company or apply for a trade, service mark or changing particulars of your business name or incorporation first you need to create an account with a unique password. 

How to apply for a Business License?

This is self service in business done online and it is managed by President’s Office, Regional Administration and Local Government, where the portal facilitates taxpayers access all services such as acquiring licences, permits, land plots and other levies. 

The system preforms multiple functions such as Applying for different licences, renew or asking for licence termination. Note that, Tausi Portal is not applicable to all licences, some are issued under The Ministry of Industry and Trade

How to Manage Taxes?

The TRA- Taxpayer Portal makes easy for you to apply for TIN, update your business information and file your returns in a convenient way. 

After registering your business under BRELA system, your tax information will be directly accessed by TRA. To avoid unnecessary penalties issued by TRA you need to get it quick after receiving your business registration certificate ready to go for TIN number.

TBS Online Portal enables you to submit applications for destination inspection, PVoC, Premise registration, product registration and other online services.

Finally, What I have shared here comes from my personal experience of over 3 years of helping clients to register their businesses, Managing their taxes and other legal compliances for their businesses.

Feel free to contact us through james@tanzlite.com or +255764558190, if you need further assistance

Starting Your Digital Journey: A promising pathway for African Youths in 2023 and beyond

Starting Your Digital Journey: A promising pathway for African Youths in 2023 and beyond

“Now, with the internet, you’re either five years ahead or you’re five years behind, and the music game is catchin’ up right now” -Pitbull.

Aisha went from poor, unknown and unemployed girl from Mgololo- Iringa to become the most respected and successful freelancer in Tanzania just after being introduced by Hassan about exploring different career pathways in the digital world with her smartphone.  

At the beginning Aisha’s mind was fueled with the notion that by only attaining University Degree at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) everything is over.

As you can be capable of venturing a new business, being employed fast and highly-respected. Guess what? After graduation things fallen apart.

By not forgetting her story, the digital world brought millions of career pathways over the past 20 years, billions of people are using Social Medias for different purposes.

According to Datareportal, as of January 2022, there were 4.9 billion internet users worldwide, approximately 63.2% of the world’s population.  

Here a few tips you can learn from Aisha to embark your digital journey

Define Your Digital Goals

Aisha’s success has made her recommends whether you want to showcase your skills, talents, connect with like-minded individuals. You should be active and open minded in such a way other people will recommend you to right networks that will benefit from your talent and skills. Learn more how you can make SMART GOALS here

Identify Your Target Audience

Aisha firstly knew about Facebook and without Facebook, there is no way she could have received a text from Hassan. She gained much interest with LinkedIn as she wanted to become a freelancer. Knowing who are your audience gives you the opportunity to understand where they found and how you can draw their attention.

Choose Your Digital Platforms

Aisha continued her research and strategically digital platforms that aligned with her goals and audience for her personal brand. Through research, Aisha selected LinkedIn, a popular social network platform, creating a compelling online presence that impressed potential employers. 

Build Your Online Presence

By Knowing the difference between being on social media and being active on social media creates a good impression for other people to interact with you. A person who is dormant online implies he/she is having enough on her plate or no longer exist. 

Network and Collaborate

If you have a blog, website or social media accounts, make sure you create well thought and high-quality contents. Have a strategy to grow the number of your followers and don’t cease seeking insightful advice and motivation from experienced and knowledgeable experts just like Aisha who got advice from Hassan. 

Do you want to stay 5 years ahead of time or 5 years back? embrace the power of digital platforms today. That is how you unlock hundreds of possibilities for your  personal and professional growth. 


Blandina Malinzi

8 Steps To Find Your First Client As A Freelancer Within 10 Days

8 Steps To Find Your First Client As A Freelancer Within 10 Days

Have you just graduated from UDSM and don’t know what to do next? Still at SAUT or any college and feel like the future of employment is uncertain? Don’t sit with your skills; get started with freelancing.

Online freelancing may be a mere story because it’s not a common way of working in Tanzania. But the story of Baraka Mafole, a successful freelance digital marketer, may be an example of this new way of employment.

Here are steps to get you started:

1. Choose one monetizable skill

There are many high-value skills that will get you paid in 2023 and beyond. According to Upwork’s In-Demand Skills 2023, the top skills businesses seek from skilled freelancers are found in Technology, Marketing, Customer Service, Accounting & Consulting, and Design & Creative skills. See the infographic below 👇🏼

To start your freelancer career, pick any of the skills you’re interested in, study about it online and start charging for it as a service.

2. Create a mock portfolio

A portfolio is simply a collection of your work, such as graphics, social media captions, website mockups, videos, etc. If you haven’t done any work, we call it a Mock Portfolio. 

No one wants to hire a freelancer without knowing what to expect; a mock portfolio will speak volumes about the quality of your work, more so than a CV. Have a sample of your personal work that you did to showcase your abilities and qualities to prospective clients.

3. Create your offer

Consider the service you provide to your client and make an offer on how much you will charge for that particular service. Make sure your offer meets the quality of work a client expects from you.

4. Plan your pricing

To get a base for what to charge per project, look at the pricing of freelancers who offer similar services to yours. Don’t undercharge or overcharge; charge according to the value of the work you are putting in.

5. Set Work Terms

Determine how you are going to provide your service in terms of payment model, delivery time, reviews, and other important requirements. All of this should be written into a contract to establish a clear working environment and understand the boundaries of both parties.

6. Reach out to 10 people every day

Who are the people that you’re looking for to use your freelancing service? Where can you find them? Most are found on social media, where you can send them personalized emails, DMs, or a direct call and ask for a chance to pitch your offer.

An example of a reach-out message with your offer:

Hello Shukuru, I came across Tanzlite Digital on Instagram and noticed that you guys haven’t posted for months. I’m reaching out to see if you may need a hand on keeping your page updated with engaging educational, humorous, and even entertaining posts around your industry.

I am just starting my freelancing journey and here is my mock portfolio.

If the idea of keeping your page updated sounds great to you, I can do that for you for an entry fee of Tsh XXXXX per month. Let me know what you think.

7. Follow-Up and Book Calls

After reaching out, make sure to follow up and create a connection. Ask them for a response to know where they stand regarding your offer. Don’t get tired of checking them out.

8. Repeat the process

It won’t take more than 10 days of constant dedication to steps 6 and 7 before you find your potential client. Keep revising other steps whenever necessary to upgrade your profile after getting your first client.

In Conclusion

The job market in Tanzania has become intensely competitive. Everyone is a graduate these days. You have two choices; find a normal job in a company (if you’re lucky), or put yourself in the open market (the internet) where there are millions of people willing to pay for your services. 

Above all, you need determination, consistency, and a commitment to continuous learning.

Thank you for reading. I am Geraldina Komba, I write about the digital economy, freelancing and personal branding.

The Best African Cities for Digital Nomads to Live and Work

The Best African Cities for Digital Nomads to Live and Work

If you’re looking to be location independent and work remotely as a digital nomad, you may want to consider moving to an African city. According to a study by the World Economic Forum, Africa is the fastest growing region for digital nomads.

Emerging markets such as Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa have grown as leading destinations for professionals who want to telecommute or live as remote workers.

In fact, many companies have opened up offices in these countries because of their tremendous potential as emerging markets. The cost of living in most African cities is also far more affordable than in Western cities like New York City or London. These are the top five cities for digital nomads in Africa:

Nairobi, Kenya

The capital of Kenya is a great place for digital nomads because of its relatively low cost of living. You can live comfortably in Nairobi on around $1,000 a month, which is almost half of what you’d need to afford living in New York City. You’ll also find a great group of expat professionals in Nairobi, including many digital nomads. This is thanks to the city’s robust tech scene, which has produced some of the most innovative startups in Africa.

You’ll find many coworking spaces in Nairobi, where you can meet other remote workers and get some work done in person. If you want to try out different coworking spaces, you can consider becoming a member of the iHub, which is Kenya’s leading incubator and coworking space. Members have access to a wide range of services, including a digital health clinic and a research lab.

Another perk of living in Nairobi is that it’s extremely easy to take a weekend trip to nearby countries like Tanzania and Uganda. These countries are among the best in the world for long-term travel thanks to their low cost of living, friendly people, and beautiful landscapes.

Lagos, Nigeria

If you’re looking for a digital nomad hub in Africa, you should consider moving to Lagos, Nigeria. The cost of living in this city is relatively low, and the city has a robust expat scene with plenty of coworking spaces and co-living hubs.

You’ll also find plenty of opportunities to work remotely in Lagos, whether you want to freelance or find a traditional remote work position. Lagos is Nigeria’s leading business hub, and many companies are looking for talented remote workers.

If you’re interested in remote work, you can find virtual jobs on websites like Ex-Hub, which matches entrepreneurs and remote workers. If you want to freelance, you can also find remote work on websites like Upwork, Remote.co, and Hubstaff Talent.

Johannesburg, South Africa

Johannesburg, South Africa is another African city that’s well-known for its digital nomad scene. This city is especially popular with entrepreneurs and remote workers who want to be part of the ever-growing African tech scene. Like Lagos, Johannesburg is also the leading business hub in its country. This city has a number of coworking spaces, including one that’s focused on creatives.

You’ll also find plenty of opportunities for remote work in Johannesburg, including virtual jobs and freelance positions. If you want to find remote work in Johannesburg, you can try job websites like Ex-Hub or Upwork. If you want to freelance, you can also find remote work on websites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Remote.co. You can also see if there are local businesses or start-ups in Johannesburg that you can do work for remotely.

Tema, Ghana

While most digital nomad hubs are in West Africa, you can also find great remote work and expat scenes in East Africa. Tema, Ghana is a great place for digital nomads who want to live in Africa’s most populous country. The cost of living in Tema is low, and the city has a vibrant expat community. You’ll find many great coworking spaces in Tema, including one that’s focused on women.

If you want to work as a remote worker in Tema, you can find remote work on websites like Ex-Hub and Upwork. If you want to freelance, you can also find remote work on websites like Remote.co, Hubstaff Talent, and People Per Hour. You can also find local businesses in Tema that need help with content creation, translation, design, etc.

Casablanca, Morocco

If you’re interested in living in North Africa and want to be a digital nomad, you should consider moving to Casablanca, Morocco. This city is a major business hub in the Moroccan economy, which means that it has a robust remote work scene. You can also find a vibrant expat scene in Casablanca, where you can meet digital nomads from all over the world. You can attend meetups in Casablanca to meet other remote workers, or you can join online digital nomad groups to connect with other digital nomad friends.

If you want to find remote work in Casablanca, you can try job websites like Ex-Hub and Upwork. If you want to freelance, you can also find remote work on websites like Fiverr, Upwork, and Remote.co. You can also see if there are local businesses or start-ups in Casablanca that you can do work for remotely.

Kigali, Rwanda

Kigali is the best place for digital nomads because of its low cost of living and breathtakingly beautiful environment. If you’re looking for a digital nomad hub in Africa, consider the capital of Rwanda.


If you want to work remotely as a digital nomad, you may want to consider moving to Africa. Africa is the fastest growing region for digital nomads, and you’ll find plenty of opportunities in African cities like Nairobi, Lagos, Johannesburg, and Tema.