Business and Tech

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The Best African Cities for Digital Nomads to Live and Work

The Best African Cities for Digital Nomads to Live and Work

If you’re looking to be location independent and work remotely as a digital nomad, you may want to consider moving to an African city. According to a study by the World Economic Forum, Africa is the fastest growing region for digital nomads. Emerging markets such as...

Mbinu Mpya Ya Kupata Kazi Ukihitimu Chuo

Mbinu Mpya Ya Kupata Kazi Ukihitimu Chuo

Soko la ajira ni changamoto kubwa inayosumbua vichwa vya wanafunzi wengi hasa wale wanaohitimu vyuo vikuu katika nyakati hizi. Jambo ambalo linafanya vijana wengi wakose imani ya kufanikiwa tena. Kwanza ijulikane kuwa degree peke yake sio kigezo cha mhitimu kupata...

Je, ChatGPT Inaweza Kudukua Taarifa Zako?

Je, ChatGPT Inaweza Kudukua Taarifa Zako?

Hapana. ChatGPT haiwezi kudukua taarifa za watumiaji wake. Zana hii ya AI (Artficial Intelligent) ipo kwa lengo la kukusaidia kufanya kazi zako kama vile kuandaa maudhui kwa uharaka na ufanisi mkubwa.   Pia ChatGPT, amabaye kimsing ni roboti unayeweza kufanya...

Jinsi ya Kutumia ChatGPT Kuandaa Maudhui (Content Creation)

Jinsi ya Kutumia ChatGPT Kuandaa Maudhui (Content Creation)

Kama huna jeshi la maroboti mtandaoni yanayo kufanyia kazi masaa 24, basi wewe haujaingia rasmi kwenye ulimwengu wa digitali. You are not digitally savvy enough. Maroboti haya (bots) inaweza kuwa tovuti uliyoiandaa vyema kweye SEO kiasi inajionyesha kwa watu...

8 Of The Best Emerging Career Opportunities in Africa

8 Of The Best Emerging Career Opportunities in Africa

The 21st century is the African century. This is because Africa has the fastest growing population of youth, which makes it the youngest continent in the world. By 2050, over one-third of the global working-age population will be residing in Africa. That’s why many...

Artificial Intelligence and Robots: Will They Make You Unemployed?

Digital transformation has become the new normal in every industry. The rate of technological progress accelerates year after year, bringing disruptive innovations and game-changing technologies such as virtual reality, VR, AR, artificial intelligence, AI, machine...

African Freelancers in the Global Gig Economy: Is There Hope?

African Freelancers in the Global Gig Economy: Is There Hope?

Africa is home to a growing number of freelancers who provide services online. These digital workers enable Africans to participate in the global gig economy, which is expected to grow in the coming years. As the gig economy grows, concerns remain about how it will...

10 African Startups in the Health Sector You Should Watch Out For

‍The health sector is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world, driven by rapid urbanization, an aging population, and a growing middle class. In Africa, the number of people aged 60 or older is expected to double from 123 million today to 260 million by...

Africa and the Electric Car Revolution: Is the Continent Ready?

‍There are few markets in the world with as much untapped potential for electric car adoption as Africa. The continent has a growing middle class, a rapidly expanding fleet of new cars, and an urgent need to reform its energy sector. But can electric vehicles help...