Inawezekana wewe ni mmiliki wa simu janja, kompyuta au kifaa kingine kama hivyo. Kama hivyo lazima unatumia mtandao kwa shughuli zako mbali mbali iwe kupata taarifa, kuwasiliana, kufanya malipo au kutoa au kupata huduma mbalimbali.
Lakini je unafahamu kuhusu usalama wako wakati wa utumiaji wa mtandao? Wengi hatufuatilii kuhusu usalama wa mtandaoni hasa kwenye kutoa taarifa binafsi ambazo zinaweza kudukuliwa na kumpa mtu nafasi ya kufanya uhalifu mtandaoni.
Ushasikia stori za watu au makampuni kuibiwa pesa, akaunti za kijamii au taarifa flani nyeti kwa ajili ya kufanyia utapeli mtandaoni?Hii yote inatokana na ukosefu wa uelewa kuhusu usalama mtandaoni.
Kama wewe ni mtumiaji mzuri wa mtandao basi Makala hii ni maalum kwa ajili yako kupata uelewa kuhusu usalama mtandaoni. Ni nini na jinsi gani unaweza kujiweka salama mtandaoni.
Usalama mtandaoni ni nini?
Ni utumiaji wa mtandao unao fuata kanuni, sheria na tahadhari ili kujihakikishia usalama katika matumizi yako ya mtandao. Hatua hizi husaidia katika ulinzi wa taarifa zako binafsi zidi ya hatari zinazoletwa na matumizi teknolojia na intaneti. Hatari hizo hufaamika kama uhalifu wa mtandaoni ‘Cybercrime’.
Kuna umuhimu gani wa kuwa salama mtandaoni?
Kwa sababu vifaa vya kidijitali unavyotumia vinabeba taarifa mbalimbali binafsi ambapo mtu mwingine akizipata anaweza kuzitumia kwa uhalifu. Taarifa hizo zinaweza kuwa nywila, hifadhidata ‘database’ za matukio mbalimbali au ripoti muhimu.
Taarifa hizi zinaweza kuwa za mtu binafsi, taasisi za umma, mashirika binafsi au Serikali. Endapo kifaa chako unachotumia kitaibiwa au kupotea bila kuwa na ulinzi wowote, basi ni rahisi sana mtu kutumia nafasi hiyo kuchukua taarifa muhimu zilizohifadhiwa na kutumia nje ya kusudi lililopangwa.
Ni kwa jinsi gani mtu anaweza kujiweka salama mtandaoni?
Tambua kundi la kifaa unachotumia kuingia mtandaoni.
i. Kundi la vifaa binafsi kama vile simu janja, kompyuta binafsi au saa janja.
Vifaa hivi hubeba taarifa nyingi, programu na data mbalimbali kukuhusu. Hivyo njia ya kujiweka salama ni kufunga kifaa chako kwa njia za kiusalama zinazojulikana mfano pini namba, nywila, kitambua uso au alama ya kidole.
Kutompa mtu nywila yako uliyoweka kwenye kifaa chako. Usipende kuruhusu mtu yoyote kufungua kifaa chako na kuperuzi kifaa chako kwenye program mbalimbali zilizopo kwenye kifaa chako. Kuhakikisha program zako zimesasishwa kwa toleo la sasa.
ii. Kundi la vifaa vya umma/ ushirika
Hivi vinaweza kua vya ofisini, nyumbani au kwenye sehemu za kutolea huduma ya intaneti kama intaneti café. Mara nyingi huwa ni komputya za mezani na hujumuisha watumiaji Zaidi ya mmoja. Hivyo umakini unatakiwa zaidi.
Kuwa salama kwenye vifaa hivi ni kuhakikisha unatoka kwenye wasifu wako kila baada ya kumaliza matumizi yako. Kutoruhusu eneo la kujaza nywila liwe automatiki kwani litafanya yoyote yule aweze kuingia kwenye akaunti yako bila kizuizi. Pia unaweza kufuta historia yako baada ya kumaliza kutumia.
2. Tambua aina ya mtandao umeunganishwa nayo (Binafsi au Pamoja)
Kuna wanaotumia mtandao wa Binafsi na kuna wanaotumia mtandao usio na waya ‘wi-fi’. Mtandao usiokua na waya huruhusu watumiaji zaidi ya mmoja kuunganishwa. Hivyo kuhitaji umakini Zaidi na kujilinda kuepusha kudukuliwa.
Mtandao usio na waya ‘Wi-Fi’ Ukitumia na kujiunganisha ni vyema ukabadilisha jina la kifaa chako na nywila ili watu wasiweze kujiunga bila ruhusa yako.
3. Uhakiki wa Programu unazotumia
a. Programu za simu – Programu nyingi huhitaji kujaza taarifa zako ili uweze kutumia. Pia programu nyingine huunganishwa na program nyingine kupata taarifa zako mbalimbali hivyo kuwa salama unahitaji kupakua program kutoka kwa mtengenezaji anayetambulika.
b. Linki za kuingia tovuti mbalimbali- muhimu ni kuhakiki jina sahihi la tovuti ‘domain name’. Kwani wahalifu wengi hubadili jina halisi na kuweka tofauti ndogo ambayo sio rahisi kugundulika.
Hakikisha unafungua linki yenye https mwishoni kuashiria usalama wako. Na sio yenye http maana taarifa zako zitakua wazi.
Unaweza kutumia kifaa chako katika hali ya faragha, hii huzuia kuweka historia ya matumizi. Lakini pia epuka kufanya malipo mbalimbali hasa ya kifedha kwa kutumia kifaa cha umma, kwani ni rahisi kudukuliwa.
Usalama mtandaoni hasa kwa watumiaji wa mitandao kama sehemu yao ya kazi ni muhimu zaidi. Inawezekana ulikua hujui umuhimu wake.
Bado hujachelewa, Anza sasa! Makala hii iwe muongozo wa usalama wa matumizi yako mbalimbali ya mtandao ili kuepukana na uhalifu.
We are all used to our formal education system, where a child doesn’t go astray from what is taught in the school syllabus. A child is only nurtured according to a defined path of education, not having the privilege to have other defined extracurricular activities.
Some NGOs understand that gap/changes in the learning system as per technological changes by providing chances for secondary schools students in developing countries to have extra studies, especially digital skills that will help them adapt and evolve in the digital era.
This is the story of a young girl, among many others, who has been empowered by digital skills to achieve not so much but at her age, a lot in her career and life from an NGO known as Apps and Girls. Highlighting a story of the determination of a young girl in the digital era.
Her name’s Doreen Fatuma Habib, Currently a 3rd year student at the Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA) pursuing a degree in marketing and public relations. Her journey in digital technology goes back to 2019 when she graduated from her O-level studies.
She then joined Apps and Girls, which gives girls in secondary schools opportunities to learn digital technology. Basically, she learned how to code and how to create websites and applications for use. These skills helped her come up with a website.
Her first website, Doreefy, where people could see job advertisements, was a product of this training. In 2020, when she joined A-level, she had a chance to teach other students at O-level within the same school how to code, create websites, and develop applications through her knowledge.
It wasn’t all smooth to date; this website was shut down in 2021 because she couldn’t afford to pay the hosts of her website. That didn’t hold her back; she still uses social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram to keep posting job advertisements through her Doreefy account.
Doreen can’t forget the chances she got at Apps and Girls in 2019. They were involved in the first global challenge that happened to be held in Dubai. And she got an opportunity to represent her country, Tanzania.
The focus was on creating robots that could be used to collect waste in oceans. With other members, they learned and created a competition. Though they didn’t win as a group, the experience and exposure gained from attending it were enough treasures to be kept.
Doreen is currently doing two more businesses online, selling snacks and clothes. She doesn’t own a physical shop or office for this. It’s through her social media pages that she is able to handle her business, and it’s doing well. Visit them; Doreefy’s Instagram account_, Doreefy job platform,and Doreefy_outfit_store.
In the future, she plans to revamp her website and add a shopping section for her clothes and snack business. Isn’t that enough to brighten up your life as a youth? Empower yourself through the digital economy.
Being in the 21st century is a blessing, through digital we are able to witness different journeys of youth at young ages being empowered by digital skills to discover their talents and make an impact in their life and communities.
Are you familiar with the buzz around the digital economy, gig economy, and freelancing? While these terms may be trending, understanding their relationships is crucial. Let’s explore the connections and distinctions among these concepts.
The digital economy is the foundation for both the gig economy and freelancing. This transformative shift from traditional working methods to digital technology has significantly shaped our employment landscape.
The Rise of the Gig Economy
The gig economy emerged in the late 2000s, propelled by the accessibility of digital tools and the internet. These advancements facilitated global connectivity, enabling individuals to access short-term or project-based job opportunities through digital platforms.
In contrast to traditional employment, where physical presence was mandatory for permanent positions with monthly salaries, the gig economy operates on short-term contracts and project-based work.
Gig jobs provide workers with flexibility and independence, liberating them from the constraints of a 9-to-5 arrangement. Platforms like LinkedIn, Fiverr, Upwork, and Freelancer host these opportunities.
Understanding Freelancing in the Gig Economy
Freelancing, a component of the gig economy, involves independent work on a contract basis, whether short-term or long-term. The terms gig economy and freelancing are sometimes used interchangeably, both revolving around short-term jobs and projects. Freelancers have the autonomy to choose their clients, work independently, and often find opportunities on platforms like Upwork and Fiverr.
The digital economy is the enabler for gig economies and freelancing. Freelancers rely on the internet, apps, and computers for their work, all falling under the umbrella of digital tools and technology.
By 2027, Upwork, a leading digital freelancing site, is projected to host a staggering 86.5 million freelancers globally, emphasizing the growing influence of freelancing and remote work.
Exploring Remote Working
Remote working, a concept applicable to both permanent employees and freelancers, involves working away from a physical office—be it at home, in a restaurant, or on a bus. As long as the work is done satisfactorily, the location becomes secondary.
Digital tools facilitate the practice of gig economy and freelancing remotely, offering individuals the freedom to work independently according to their schedules. The terms gig economy, freelancing, and remote working overlap in their emphasis on independent work, flexibility, and the utilization of digital tools.
To illustrate the potential of the gig economy, Mafole Baraka from Tanzania, a youth pioneer, shares an inspiring story of navigating and achieving success in this dynamic employment landscape.
If he can do it, so can you. Embrace the gig economy, especially as a youth—the earlier, the better. Wishing you all the best!
Being a beginner in freelancing, I had to search for articles on freelancing tips. About 99% of the articles opened were written about how freelancing is done; choosing a niche, securing ideal clients, setting prices, building a portfolio, and so forth.
And I thought everything was settled until reality kicked in. It’s not only about working tips; there are some other accompanying factors that need your mind to get ready for. They may not have a direct association but may have greater impacts if not well handled.
In this article, I’m about to share a few tips that go beyond what’s written in those articles that I, as a freelancer, have experienced. It will help in understanding and preparing yourself when experiencing one or two challenges in your freelancing journey.
Be a good Communicator
As a freelancer, you need to learn the art of communicating clearly. Be timely, responsive to emails and DMs, know how to present your message in a clear and concise way, and be open and maintain your communicating tone. Learn how to effectively use different media of communication, like Zoom, email, DM, or Google Meet.
Good communication will help you market your services correctly, inform them in case of emergencies, and negotiate with your client. Build and maintain good relationships by getting good reviews and recommendations from your clients to other people and extending work contracts.
All this can be achieved by being a good listener, preparing your points that you need to communicate, and using good language to communicate. Choose to say what is necessary, important, and necessary in that conversation.
Taking full responsibility
There is no shift or someone else to help you with your work. Your absence stops everything. Do you have a plan B in case of emergencies? Or will you blame Tanesco for the absence of electricity without doing anything? Or Tigo for instability networks in other areas?
Take work that you are capable of working on and delivering on time. As a freelancer, everything depends on you: marketing, sales, negotiation, research, doing the actual work, and submitting. Ask yourself how you can take full responsibility for different jobs under the umbrella of freelancing.
Avoid distraction by keeping your phone away when working or limiting some apps. Protect your health to avoid occasional diseases through exercise, getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, and resting. Tools like Notion, Trello, and ClickUp are for managing your tasks; Calendly for booking appointments; and Zoom for meeting to ease your responsibilities.
Be a Timekeeper.
Working as a freelancer, you will have a lot of deadlines to meet with your clients’ work. And one of the things that stands out to clients is your ability to deliver work on time. No excuses, no stories, only working within the required time.
Unless you are only working as a freelancer, this may not be a big deal, but if freelancing is your side hustle, this point hits differently. You need to balance your time between main work and side hustles. Deliver both quality and on time.
Set a daily timetable with tasks and times, and stick to it. Plan your week’s tasks ahead before the week starts. Mark each task that is successfully completed on time. And to those that were not completed on time, look at the factors for their delay and work on them.
It’s not about your excellent working skills that get the work done. When other factors hit, they may greatly impact your productivity. Either way, embrace any life challenge that may be thrown at you as a freelancer and conquer it Effortlessly. You got this!.
Mara nyingi umekuwa ukisikia watu wanaongelea kuhusu fursa unazoweza kufanya kupitia majukwaa ya kidigitali lakini bado hujajua hizo fursa ni zipi, na unawezaje kuzipata? Kwenye makala hii nitakuelezea kwa ukaribu hizo fursa, namna ya kuzipata na jinsi ya kuzitumia ili kujiingizia kipato.
Majukwaa ya kidigitali yamekufungulia dunia kuwa unachotaka, fursa zote unazo kiganjani mwako. Unaweza kufanya biashara yako binafsi kupitia hii hii mitandao na kujipatia kipato au kufanya kazi na mtu yeyote kutoka sehemu mbalimbali bila kuonana uso kwa uso.
Kitu chochote unachoweza kufanya kidigitali na kikakuletea faida hiyo ni fursa.
Mfano, Natoa huduma za kupamba kumbi za sherehe, nitaanza kushare picha zikinionyesha napamba kumbi mbalimbali kwa ajili ya sherehe tofauti kama harusi, mikutano, sendoff au kitchen party ili atakayeona na kuvutiwa anitafute tufanye kazi.
Hivyo ndio jinsi fursa za kidijitali zilivyo kuuza ujuzi au bidhaa zako mtandaoni kwa watu wengi kwa mara moja. Kuna Aina nyingi za Fursa mtandaoni ni wewe tu kuchagua ipi itakufaa
1.Kuuza Huduma zako(Services)
Hii inaweza kuwa huduma unayoitoa wewe mwenyewe binafsi au kama kampuni. Mfano kufundisha au kusherehesha. Dukahuru anapatikana Instagram akifundisha watu wengine jinsi ya kuuza bidhaa mtandaoni na huduma nyingine nyingi.
Kama wewe unaweza kufanya hivyo basi hiyo ni fursa ikimbilie mapema.
Huduma ya kikampuni ni kama ile anayofanya Haika Lawere anakodisha kumbi zake kwaajili ya sherehe, vikao au makongamano. Pale instagram huwa anapost picha za kumbi, bei na mawasiliano kwa atakayehitaji.
Wewe kijana au wewe ndugu yangu uliye kwenye kampuni na una matazamio ya kupata chochote kutokana na hilo kampuni unalofanyia kazi, tumia muda huo kuji-promote kwa kutumia status ya kampuni ili hata siku umetoka, utoke na jina.
Kwa yule mwenye uwezo wa kufanya kama Haika basi fanya, hiyo pia ni fursa itakayofanya usihangaike kutafuta fursa zingine.
2.Kuuza bidhaa zako binafsi (Products)
Mfano; unamiliki duka la kuuza mafuta ya nywele, una simu janja, jiunge mtandao wa Instagram, fungua kurasa yako na anza kupost mafuta yako unayouza, kumbuka jinsi utakavyojinadi katika bidhaa yako ndivyo utakavyoweza kupata wateja.
Hapa nazungumzia jinsi ya kupost(maudhui). Watu mbalimbali wataona bidhaa yako na watakutafuta ili hali uliweka mawasiliano kwenye kurasa yako.
Je, ushawahi kununua kitu mtandaoni? Kama jibu ni ndiyo basi hata wewe unaweza kuuza kitu chochote mtandaoni. Unahitaji tu kujua wateja wako wanapatikana mtandao upi, jifunze jinsi ya kutumia mtandao husika vizuri na upeleke biashara yako huko.
3.Kuuza bidhaa za watu wengine (Affiliate Marketing)
Kama hauna mtaji wa kuanzishia biashara yako na hauna biashara yoyote unayoifanya. Tafuta kampuni au biashara ya mtu ambaye utakuwa unamsaidia kutafuta wateja mtandaoni au kufanya biashara yake ijulikane kwa watu wengi.
Mtu anayefanya kazi ya affiliate marketing hulipwa kutokana na mauzo yatokanayo na juhudi zake za kuleta wateja. Hii unaweza kuifanya kwenye blog, tovuti yako binafsi au kwenye mitandao ya kijamii.
Pia kuna makampuni yana bidhaa zao na yanatafuta watu wa kuwasaidia kuuza au kuwafikia wateja na kwa kila mteja utakayemleta utapewa Kamisheni.
Kamisheni ndo itakua faida yake kutokana na makubaliano mtakayoweka.
4.Kushawishi watu kununua bidhaa Fulani (Influencing)
Hii inatumiwa sana na makampuni mbalimbali makubwa na madogo. Kutafuta watu wenye ushawishi mtandaoni kuweza kushawishi watu watumie huduma au bidhaa zao. Na utalipwa kwa makubaliano mtakayoweka. Mfano Lilian Lema anafanya hii kazi Instagram na kulipwa.
Utahitaji kuwa na page yako ambayo umeijenga mwenyewe na kupata wafuasi ambao utaweza kuwashawishi. Sio lazima uanze ushawishi kwa kulipwa unaweza fanya bure na badae ukaanza kuchaji watu wakitaka huduma hiyo kwako.
Hili ndo somo langu la leo kuhusu fursa za kidigitali, haimaanishi ndio mwisho wa fursa, Hapana. Kutokana na hizo nne unaweza pata fursa nyingine zaidi. Muhimu ni kujiamini unaweza na kuanza kufanya.